Есть разница между "твоим", "ты", и "пряжа". "Пряжа" даже не произносится так же. Это совершенно другое слово.
Five months after the winter war, everyone in the living world has advanced to the second year. The story starts with Inoue sweeping her brother’s grave, and what she tells her brother about how everyone’s doing. Inoue herself is working at a sweet shop called ABCookies. The reason for this was because she always looked so happy whenever she frequented this shop, to the point where people on the street started asking her where she bought the stuff. Business got better and the store owner decided to hire her.
читать дальшеUryu is substituting for Ichigo as substitute shinigami. Urahara originally wanted him to take over the job, but Uryu believes that Ichigo will not be willing to remain powerless and will definitely gain his powers back, so he’s only substituting for him for the time being.
Also, Uryu became the student council president during the last semester of his first year. This is because the previous president, Keigo’s sister Mizuho thought that he looked like a student council president the first time she saw him, so she came to his apartment and gave the sleeve-thing to him. Although he was unwilling at first, Mizuho was persistent and when she mentioned that the student council president could buy things for half price at the school store, he gave in… This is how he became student council president.
Sado has started to learn boxing. The reason for this is because he critically examined his own abilities after the war, and thought that his foundations weren’t as strong as those who had trained before like Ichigo, Uryu, and the shinigami. That was why he wanted to start again from the beginning.
Tatsuki was the same, her experiences made her instantly raise the amount of training she did. She always trained until very late. When it was time for finals, adding studying to it all made her not get enough sleep and end up with dark circles around her eyes. Inoue tells her not to try so hard, since Tatsuki says that she only got second place at last year’s competition because her right hand was broken. Otherwise she could’ve even beaten up the boys. However, now that Tatsuki’s seen Ichigo and the others fight, she’s discovered that she can’t beat anyone, so she wants to get stronger and not have to experience anything like that again. Even if she doesn’t become strong enough to protect anyone, she won’t be deluded anymore either.
Inoue had been in Soul Society during the one month when Ichigo was in a coma, helping them heal. When she went back to the living world, Unohana gave her a spirit phone, so she is able to talk to everyone in Soul Society. So from then on she kept in touch with them.
However, Ichigo’s been extremely bored ever since. At school he would always stare at places where spirits used to appear, but he couldn’t see anything at all. He’s tried to convince himself that this was the life he’d wanted all along, forcing himself to smile. Inoue was at first very relieved that he lost his powers, since he wouldn’t get hurt anymore, and because she always felt extremely hurt whenever he got hurt. But now faced with an Ichigo like this, she doesn’t know what to do… At this time, Rukia sends a text, and Inoue decides to go ask her for help.
Next up is the excerpt of Rukia getting her hair cut.
Rukia at this time has been a lieutenant for only a couple of days. She takes Inoue to the Thirteenth Division’s training grounds. The two of them sit beneath the cherry blossoms, eating super-expensive food prepared by the Kuchiki family. Inoue says Rukia’s gloves are very pretty, and Rukia says that they’re a gift from Byakuya. He was also the one who recommended that she become a lieutenant. While Rukia’s thinking about how to reply to Inoue’s question of “has anything changed since you became a lieutenant,” Hirako shows up.
Next is Hirako telling about what happened to each of the Vizards. First up is Hirako and Hinamori. A month ago, Hirako went to the Fourth Division to see Hinamori, and they started talking about Aizen. After they talked for a while, a true Captain-Lieutenant pair was born! After she returned to the division, Hinamori worked so hard that Hirako told her that she needed to rest. Her way of doing things reminded Hirako of Aizen when he was a lieutenant. Aizen back then was a reformer and really did make things better for the division members, so he left behind more than just a blackened name.
Hiyori very much dislikes shinigami and isn’t willing to return to Soul Society. She also believes that Hirako is betraying them. Others who stayed with her in the living world are Hachigen who still needs to maintain the barrier and Love who wouldn’t go to a world where he couldn’t read JUMP. Lisa and Mashiro sometimes go to see them.
Kensei became the Ninth Division captain. Mashiro wanted to be his lieutenant again, but when she was given another job – ultra radical scoop editor, responsible for reporting on strange occurrences in both worlds, she instantly agreed. The editor of the Seireitei Communications is still Hisagi. It seems like he’ll have to continue on since Kensei can’t be bothered with it.
Lisa’s started up a bookstore in Kuukaku’s territory selling books from the living world. However, they’re mostly porn, and quite popular among the male shinigami. She’s saved up enough money to build herself a house in Rukongai, called 春画御殿. (I’m not sure how to translate this. I think it’s something like “imperial palace of porn.”)
Next up is Rose and Kira. Rose likes to take walks, and Kira hears his singing about nostalgia and melancholy. Kira invites him into the guest lounge, and Rose takes out a violin that he had hidden in there. Since the lieutenant back when he was a captain did not allow him to perform, Rose had changes done to the room so he could hide his violin there.
When Gin was captain, he only planted a single persimmon tree. When it was time to make dried persimmons, he would hand over all the division duties to Kira, and lecture about his methods to stray shinigami walking by. Rose says that they should continue to make dried persimmons this year, which makes Kira feel very moved. The only proof that Gin ever existed was this one persimmon tree. Even if Kira suffered a lot because of Gin’s betrayal, he still didn’t want to break off that relationship.
When Kira arrived back from the storage area with a ladder, he finds Rose surrounded by a ton of people, all of whom are willing to help and are thankful that there’s still an opportunity to make dried persimmons. Because they’re still able to do things that they’re accustomed to, the division gets livelier every day.
Rose continued to perform on his instrument. Even if it’s noisy, it still helps the Third Division develop again along a better path.
After he relates all this info, Hirako has to leave because he’s received a text from Hinamori. Rukia asks Inoue what she wanted to talk about.
“Kurosaki-kun… has been troubled all this time.”
Without his powers, he’s been lost and confused.
He says that this is the life that he’s always wanted with such a lonely smile.
“I want to do something for Kurosaki-kun, but there’s nothing I can do…”
Inoue’s tried to use her powers to bring Ichigo’s shinigami powers back, but she couldn’t do it. Thinking back to his lonely smile, Inoue feels so hurt that she starts to cry. Rukia pats her on the back and says:
“…Ichigo has always fought in order to protect something. This is the foundation behind all of his actions. Now faced with the ordinary struggles of people without any power, he shouldn’t ever lose. So he should still be able to protect many people.”
It was true that he was still able to protect a lot of people after he lost his powers. He even received a certificate of thanks from the police.
“However, he already knows. There are still things that he can’t protect with only an ordinary human’s abilities…”
“To Ichigo, whose determination to protect something is so much stronger than other people’s, this must be pain that extremely hard to bear…”
She wanted to do something.
She wanted to do something immediately, no matter what it took.
She made the determination to bring Ichigo’s powers back, and told Inoue to just leave it to her.
After she saw Orihime off, Rukia went back to her barracks to take care of some business. When it was completely dark, she went to go visit Karakura Town. She stood on top of an abandoned building, looking down at the rows of houses.
It felt so nostalgic.
“Even though I’ve only left this place for a few months… this town, contains so many unforgettable memories…”
Perhaps because she had so many memories of this place, it felt like she had lived here for so many years.
Sitting on Ichigo’s back when he became a shinigami, patrolling the town at night to perform konso, when did these things happen…
It felt like it was so long ago.
The teenager, who had received the power to protect after he had met her, did his duty happily yet also grumbling at the same time.
“Wait for me, Ichigo…!”
I will definitely let you regain your powers.
With determination in her heart, Rukia leapt into the pitch-black night sky.
Flying past one house after another, she finally arrived at Urahara’s shop. When she saw that the outer door was still open, she turned her head sideways.
(Closing time should’ve been a long time ago…)
As if attracted by the light streaming out of the door, she walked closer and heard a familiar voice shout angrily from within.
She looked through the glass window and saw a familiar figure yelling inside the shop.
A red jumpsuit and two golden pigtails by either ear – it was Sarugaki Hiyori.
Since the paper door that separated the store with the living quarters was open, she could see the store’s owner Urahara Kisuke sitting on a tatami mat inside the living quarters.
(What are they doing…?)
While silently asking this to herself, Rukia said “Excuse me,” and opened the inner door.
At the same time, Hiyori’s angry shouts filled the store.
“I said I wouldn’t do it! How many times do I have to repeat myself!? Are your ears blocked!!”
“Now~ Now~ Hiyori-san…”
“I’m leaving!”
Hiyori turned around while Urahara shrugged, and saw Rukia still frozen in a state in between opening the door and standing outside. She mumbled “You are…”
Meeting her gaze, Rukia nodded at her. “He- Hello…”
“Kisuke! You have a guest!”
Hiyori turned around and shouted towards the living quarters.
“A guest…?”
Urahara stood up while mumbling. When he saw Rukia standing behind Hiyori, his eyes turned very round.
“Isn’t this Kuchiki-san! It’s been a while!”
He hurriedly put on his clogs and walked into the store.
“I heard from Yoruichi-san! You recently became a lieutenant? Congratulations!”
“Ah, thank… Uhwa!?”
Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, Hiyori grabbed her by the collar and jerked her right under her eye. Their faces were so close that their foreheads were almost touching.
“Hey! Thirteenth Division! Do you know Hirako Shinji?”
“Ah, yes…”
Under this sort of close-up interrogation, Rukia’s eyes were starting to water.
“Listen up, if you see that baldy Shinji, you need to tell him “This is from me!” and then give him a good kick on his bald head!! Understand!?”
“Eh… I, I will help you… relate that as such…”
“I’ll leave it to you!!”
After she said this, Hiyori let Rukia go and pulled down the zipper in front of her jumpsuit. Under both people’s gazes, she grabbed fistfuls of the pastries on the shelf and started stuffing them inside her jumpsuit.
“Ahhh, Hiyori-san! You can’t just take the products like that! …At least wait until I’m not here to take them!”
Hiyori completely ignored him and continued to stuff pastries inside her clothes. Her slim figure instantly bloated up to one similar to a snowman’s.
She only stopped when her clothes were completely stuffed full and turned around to stare at Urahara.
“This is all because I had to come to this store full of annoying baldies to listen to stuff I didn’t want to listen to. It’s completely natural to take some stuff as restitution!!” Hiyori wasn’t at all sorry but instead pushed open the glass window and left. Some candy spheres leaked out of her clothes as she left.
Urahara grimaced and picked up the candy spheres, before silently closing the window.
“What was wrong with Sarugaki-dono…? It seems like she was very angry…”
“Eeyaa~ That’s because the store’s become quite busy as of late, so I asked Hiyori-san if she could come work here…”
Looking at the bright red hand mark on Urahara’s face, she guessed that negotations fell through.
“You’re so busy that you don’t have enough help?”
That was quite surprising, Rukia thought.
In this store, other than Urahara, there was also Tsukabishi Tessai, Hanakari Jinta, and Tsumugiya Ururu who worked as his employees. At a pastry shop in a suburb that didn’t even have many major roads, she didn’t think there would be a need for more workers than the ones he already have. Even if he was selling to shinigami, he still shouldn’t have all that many customers.
“Aiya~ It’s true that we’re really busy… Before when we were only smuggling some stock and then secretly selling it, I could even do it alone… But after that big battle, it seems like we’ve been officially recognized by Soul Society.”
Because of that incident, Urahara Kisuke’s name became widely known among the regular shinigami. The ones who were deployed to the living world all came to shop there.
“So it’s like that! Then they won’t go after your crimes anymore…”
“That’s right. It seems like the Captain Commander went and talked with the Central Forty-Six. All the judgments against Tessai-san, Yoruichi-san, and me from a hundred years ago have been invalidated. Everything was part of Aizen’s plan, I was blameless… like that.”
The Central Forty-Six was comprised of forty people known for their wisdom and six judges. It was Soul Society’s highest ruling body. If trust in the Central Forty-Six disappeared, then order would very quickly disappear in Soul Society. That was why it was hard to believe that any of their rulings would be invalidated.
Since all of the longtime members had been killed by Aizen, the Captain Commander of the Gotei 13 Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni had taken on their duties while new members were being chosen. His record during that time had been praised by everyone, and when the new Central Forty-Six had started up, his words still carried with them a certain weight. That was why previous decisions were able to be taken up again.
“It’s been so long…”
Urahara looked down.
-------- One hundred years.
He had continued to single-mindedly pursue his research.
In the end, he still couldn’t undue Shinji and the others’ hollowfication. Just using the tactic of going to one’s inner world and defeating the inner hollow, they had already used all their strength to stop it from progressing.
“Hirako-san and the others have gotten their captain positions back… How wonderful.”
He murmured to himself as he opened his eyes again, only to see Rukia staring directly at him.
“What is it?” Urahara turned his head sideways as he asked.
“…Thank you so much.” Saying so, Rukia lowered her head.
She was thanking him both as the Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division, and also from the bottom of her heart. If it wasn’t for his help and the advanced technology under his command, it wouldn’t have been possible to capture Aizen.
Urahara winced and laughed, “Please stop already!” He seemed very much embarrassed as he scratched his face.
“Even though I didn’t come to the living world willingly… but I’m very much satisfied with my current life.”
Rukia nodded and said, “Is that so,” with a peaceful expression. She then smiled as well.
“Well then… did you need something important today? Ah, let’s not stand here talking. Please come in.”
They walked together into the living quarters and sat facing each other across a low table.
“Today, Inoue came to Soul Society…”
Rukia related what Orihime had said about Ichigo to him.
After he had heard everything, Urahara murmured “So it’s like that…” with a knowing look.
“I want to figure out a way to bring his powers back…! It can’t be that there is no way? If there’s anything that I can do then I will definitely not decline! That’s why…!”
Seeing the pleading look in her gaze, Urahara sighed and said, “You’re late one step…”
“…What does that mean?”
Rukia looked extremely confused.
“To tell the truth, I’ve already started researching this… From the moment when Kurosaki-san lost his powers.”
“Urahara…!” Her eyes were completely round by now.
Urahara continued. “The root reason why Kurosaki-san lost his powers is because I made the hogyoku… From the time when he had no choice but to use “Mugetsu,” I had started to think about a way to bring back his powers.”
He could still remember the look in his eyes the very second when he lost his powers.
It was like that of a lonely child who had lost his support.
“I originally wanted to report when my research had come to fruition, so I could properly scare everyone— Ah, I’ve let it all slip—“ Urahara sighed loudly on purpose.
“Don’t look at me with a grudge,” Rukia laughed.
“…Please give me some more time. I will definitely complete it for you.”
Faced with his honest words, Rukia nodded forcefully again.
A year went by before she was contacted by Urahara again.
When she received his message, she hurried to his shop. Under Tessai’s guidance, they walked through various white structures in a corner of the underground chamber.
Quite a few unidentified machines were placed closely together here, and the floor was covered with innumerable cords and lines. This was Urahara’s research lab.
“Owner! Kuchiki-dono has arrived!” Tessai called in to the depths of the lab.
“Okay, okay! Please come in!”
Urahara’s voice came from somewhere nearby. But with all the static and noise being emitted by the machines, she couldn’t tell exactly where his voice was coming from.
“I’ll take you there. This way, please, and watch your step.”
“Ah, thank you,” Rukia nodded and murmured quietly. She walked carefully behind him.
Even so, she still almost tripped and fell. Luckily Tessai noticed immediately and said, “Danger!”
Since he grabbed her by her uniform collar, she didn’t fall, but instead dangled in mid-air.
“Is it okay if we continue on like this?” she was asked.
“No, please let me down as soon as possible!” she protested, blushing, before she was set down again.
After that, she carefully watched where she stepped and managed to find Urahara without further incident.
“Welcome, Kuchiki-san! There seemed to be a bit of a disturbance… what was the matter?” asked Urahara who had been watching a giant monitor.
“What disturbance! There was no disturbance, just these power cords on the floor!”
“That’s not it, it’s impossible. Ururu-chan and Jinta manage to trip and fall beautifully each time. Even though I didn’t think they would… I put the cords there just so they could arrive without incident. But let’s get back to the main topic…”
“Exactly! Let’s get back to the main topic!” Rukia felt responsible for allowing their conversation to stray.
Urahara shrugged slightly and said, “Okay, sorry. Well then Tessai, if you would please.”
“I understand!”
After receiving Urahara’s instructions, Tessai pushed a cart in the corner towards Rukia.
On the cart was a transparent cylinder measuring 65 centimeters across, and roughly 120 centimeters in height.
“This is…”
Inside the cylinder was a glowing sword. It swayed slightly and didn’t have a distinct shape, giving off a warm yellowish-white light.
“This is the sword that will transfer spiritual power to Kurosaki-san.”
“Transfer spiritual power… you mean the transfer of shinigami powers… Is that to say that this is a zanpakutou?”
Ordinarily, transferring shinigami powers required stabbing another with one’s own zanpakutou, transferring spiritual power, allowing the other to turn into a shinigami.
“It’s quite similar, but this is not a zanpakutou. However, it follows the same process of power transfer. Thanks to Isshin-san, I was able to use Engetsu as a base to make it.”
Ichigo’s zanpakutou Zangetsu was very similar in nature to his father Kurosaki Isshin’s zanpakutou Engetsu.
Restoring his shinigami powers --- along with his bond with his zanpakutou and the transferral of powers, Isshin’s help was absolutely necessary.
“I finally completed researching the process to make this sword a week ago. And when I asked Isshin-san for help, he said he wanted to think about it…”
Restoring his powers meant that Ichigo would return to the battlefield.
As a father, Isshin’s concern was completely natural.
“…Yesterday, Ishida-san was attacked by someone.”
The sudden news gave Rukia a great fright.
“What…!? Who was it!? How are his injuries!?” she asked, trembling.
“It’s not clear who did it. Ishida-san is currently in the hospital, and it seems like his life is not in danger.”
Rukia calmed down a little. “So it’s like that…” She let out a deep breath.
“Because Ishida-san was attacked, Kurosaki-san realized again how powerless he was… Last night Isshin-san came and said that he would help, probably because he didn’t want to see Kurosaki-san like that anymore…”
Isshin was once unable to save his beloved wife Kurosaki Masaki from a hollow.
He knew better than anyone the pain that results from not being able to protect someone.
“I know that we can use this sword to transfer shinigami powers… But isn’t the strength of the powers after the transfer proportional to the amount of power put in? If Ichigo wants to have the same strength that he had before, then this will require a great deal of reiatsu…”
“That’s right, I know. That’s why we need everyone to give their reiatsu to this sword.”
Hearing this, Rukia’s eyes became very round.
“Everyone needs to give their reiatsu…”
“That is correct.” Urahara sat up straight. “This will be a very difficult process…”
One’s reiatsu was similar to a fingerprint. No two people have exactly the same reiatsu. In Soul Society, one of the reasons why transferring shinigami powers was a grave crime was because giving someone else your reiatsu was similar to giving them your own identification.
Mixing different kinds of reiatsu together was a very difficult matter. The technology that would allow two or more kinds of reiatsu to exist in one object still did not exist in Soul Society.
“Everyone in the living world has already given their reiatsu to this sword. Hiyori-san, Aikawa-san, Hachigen-san… And both Tessai-san and me as well.”
“Everyone came to help…”
“Yes. After I contacted them, they came immediately.”
Hachigen pressed both hands together in front of his chest and said, “I can finally repay Kurosaki-san’s kindness…”
Love smiled and said, “As a man, I have to repay this favor!”
Hiyori bared her fang and mumbled, “Ichigo was the one who defeated Aizen in the end… This is as thanks.”
The three of them gathered and put in their reiatsu in order.
“Are we going to the convenience store.”
“It’s so annoying how you stand there and read forever!”
“I want to go to the pharmacy on the way,” they said as they left.
It seemed like they were all very happy in each other’s company.
“Then, I’ll do it too…” But as her hand was about to touch the sword, Urahara stopped her.
“Please wait! I want to let Kuchiki-san be the last person to add her reiatsu.”
“The last…?”
“That’s right. The reiatsu added to this sword will not mix together, but rather will layer on top of each other like rings in a tree.”
Urahara closed his fan and used it as an example in his explanation.
“Kuchiki-san will be the outermost circle… That is to say, yours will be the very first reiatsu to go into Kurosaki-san’s body. With Kuchiki-san’s reiatsu as the sword’s outer covering, everyone else’s reiatsu will mix better… This is because Kurosaki-san has had Kuchiki-san’s reiatsu in him before.”
“…So it’s like that. Then I will be the last person to add it.”
Seeing her nod, Urahara removed his hat and placed it against his chest.
“I’ll be relying on you,” he said as he bowed slowly.
“I will also be relying on you.” Rukia returned the bow.
“Well then, I will start the preparations to bring this sword to Soul Society. Before tomorrow comes to a close, I will bring it to Kuukaku-san’s place in West Rukongai. Can Kuchiki-san help me notify everyone?”
“Yes, leave it to me!”
“Sending so many hell butterflies will be too noticeable. When you contact everyone, please do it either in person or through a text. The Research and Development Institute shouldn’t give you any trouble about the texts. I’ll take care of that.”
The Research and Development Institute commonly kept a watch on communications in Soul Society. No matter what channel it went through, be it hell butterflies, spirit phones, or even Tenteikura, all illicit communications were reported and investigated. If investigations found that laws were broken, then it would be reported up to the Chief of the Research and Development Institute – Kurotsuchi Mayuri. And then according to Mayuri’s judgment, he would send the information to either Yamamoto or the Onmitsukido for the individual to receive appropriate punishment.
Urahara used his own computers to hack into the Research and Development Institute’s surveillance mechanisms. For all of tomorrow, he made it so that it would not interfere even if it discovered the texts asking about transfer of shinigami powers.
Since he had been the one who invented the mechanism over a hundred years ago, he knew his way around it.
“Your work is progressing so quickly!”
“Since Ishida-san has been attacked, this is now a pressing matter.”
“…That’s right. Goodbye then, see you tomorrow.” Rukia looked nervous as she started to leave.
“Ah, see you tomorrow. Also, watch your step…”
Before Urahara had a chance to finish, Rukia managed to get trapped by a bundle of cords and fell flat on her face.
“…Are you okay?” Urahara asked.
Tessai walked up to Rukia, who was trembling in pain and embarrassment. “Clearly I need to help you out of here!”
He picked her up by her collar and started to carry her outside.
“Aiya stop it! I can walk by myself! Hey! Can’t you hear me!? I said stop already!? Put me down!! Bastard, why won’t you put me down!? I’m asking you…! I’m asking you to put me down—!!”
Rukia’s cries of despair slowly receded into the distance.
Urahara watched them leave, while also figuring out how he would handle the communications this time.
Thirteenth Division Offices
The next morning, Rukia arrived at her office even earlier than usual. She held her spirit phone with a serious expression and started to think of what to say to those whose help she sought.
Just as she was deep in thought, the time crept closer to the start of the workday. The Third Seat of her division, Kotetsu Kiyone called out “Good morning~!” as she entered the office.
“Good morning, Kotetsu-dono.”
Rukia hurriedly stood up from her seat and bowed.
“You don’t need to stand up. I mean, you’ve already been Lieutenant for a year, and if the Third Seat comes in then all you need to do is reply, okay~! If you understand then don’t stand there anymore, sit down sit down sit down!!”
“Yes, yes! I’m very sorry!”
Kiyone watched as Rukia leaned back against her chair again, and laughed. “And still apologizing~” She then sat down as well.
Ordinarily there would only be two desks in this office, for the captain and the lieutenant. However since Captain Ukitake was not well and could not come work very often, the Thirteenth Division had two desks for his support officers.
Ring – ring – ring!
The bell indicating the start of the workday started to ring across Seireitei.
“I’m going to be laaaaaaaaate—!!!”
Right when the bell stopped ringing, the other Third Seat Kotsubaki Sentaro slid into the office.
“I was almost out! Hey, what are you doing Lieutenant? Why are you still standing?”
Rukia had stood up to say “good morning” to Sentaro, but she remembered what Kiyone had said and sat back down, embarrassed.
“Lieutenant, I wasn’t late, was I?!” Sentaro asked, slapping both his hands down on Rukia’s desk.
“Baka! Of course you were late! Tell him, Lieutenant!!”
Kiyone left her seat and came over. The two of them slapped wildly at each other, while both staring at Rukia.
“First, first let’s all calm down…”
Rukia held out both her hands, trying to calm them down.
However, her right hand was still holding the spirit phone and the two of them were able to vaguely see what she had already written.
“ ‘In order to allow Ichigo, who has lost his powers…’ “
“ ‘Regain his shinigami powers once again…’ Hey, is this real Kuchiki, err I mean Lieutenant?!!”
“What are you up to?!”
Pressed by their questions, Rukia hesitated for a few seconds before seemingly reaching a determination.
“Urahara Kisuke has invented a sword that will allow Ichigo to regain his powers. As long as everyone puts their reiatsu into it, then we can give Ichigo back his shinigami powers. But this is an illegal transfer…”
“Put mine in as well!!”
“Put mine in as well!!”
Both Kiyone and Sentaro spoke up at exactly the same time.
“Why are you copying me, you big beard!!!”
“You’re copying me, you monkey woman!!!”
“What did you say?!!!”
“Want to fight?!”
Watching the two of them pressed against and staring at each other, Rukia bowed deeply.
“Thank you… very much…”
When she raised her head again, she smiled. “But first stop fighting.”
“You don’t need to thank us. Before I always thought that Kuchiki always followed her heart, and I admired that. That’s why, now that I’ve come across a difficult decision, I’m also going to follow my heart! I’ve decided!” Kiyone laughed, embarrassed.
“Even though I don’t want to agree with this monkey woman, but that’s how I feel too, Kuchiki! You should allow your senpais to do something admirable now and then!!”
Sentaro poked her forehead with his forefinger.
“Aaaaaaa this is sexual harassment!! How dare you do that to the lieutenant, you smelly vile bearded short man with bad breath!!!!”
“You said that I smelled twice, you bastard!! What if I really started to smell!!!”
“But you do smell.”
Looking at the two of them arguing, Rukia laughed softly.
Ever since she became a lieutenant one year ago, the two people who never left her side and never stopped supporting her were Kiyone and Sentaro.
Even if some people said that she “only became a lieutenant due to the Kuchiki family’s influence,” they would immediately get attacked by Kiyone and Sentaro until they took back their words.
The two of them always dragged her out of the office when she shut herself inside. They would then bring along the ordinary division members on trips to the sweet shop. Sometimes they all went gardening and ended up covered in dirt and mud. Other times they went visiting at other divisions.
Afterwards, the division members who weren’t familiar with Rukia soon started becoming friendly.
“Good morning, Lieutenant!”
“I made a lot more of that chestnut-flavored red bean sticky soup that Lieutenant had last time!”
“Listen to me, Lieutenant! Third Seat Kotetsu went too far!”
“Ah, Lieutenant! I picked a lot since there were so many of them, so if you’d like then please put these flowers in the office.”
“Are you leaving? You’ve worked hard Lieutenant~!”
Everyone slowly started talking her now and then.
“Then who are you sending it to?”
Kiyone asked her after she had finished writing the message.
“Hm… First I’ll send it to the people whose addresses I know. The Fourth Division’s Yamada Hanatarou is with Captain Hitsugaya’s team… (T/N: I didn’t understand this part.) But I think it’s best to send it to people other than Captain Hitsugaya…”
“Yeah~! Of course the captains can’t break the laws!” Sentaro yelled.
“OK~! Then we’ll need to keep Captain Ukitake in the dark~~ I’ll go talk to my sister first.”
Before Rukia even had a chance to say “I’m relying on you then,” Kiyone picked up her own spirit phone and ran outside.
“Yosh~!! Then we’ll need to take care of today’s business as quickly as possible!!”
Sentaro rolled up his sleeves and started to separate out the day’s important paperwork onto the three desks.
“Umm… Kotsubaki-kun… No matter how you look at it, my stack is a bit thin…”
The stack on Rukia’s desk was only half as high as those on the other two.
“You need to arrive at Kuukaku-san’s before the two of us to start a discussion with everyone!! So this much is enough!!” Sentaro sat down, his face a bit red.
“Thank you very much!” Rukia placed both hands on her desk and nodded.
Sentaro grimaced and laughed. “No need to thank me! You need to buck up! You’re our superior officer after all~! Send that message out already~!!”
With his encouragement, Rukia hit the send button with a prayer in her heart.
“Please forgive this sudden disturbance. I am Kuchiki Rukia of the Thirteenth Division. I have heard lately that Urahara Kisuke has completed a method that will allow Substitute Shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo to regain his shinigami powers. It requires many different shinigami to give their reiatsu to a special sword, which will be transferred to him via stabbing, allowing him to turn into a shinigami again. This is an illegal transfer of shinigami powers, against the laws of Soul Society, and will result in severe punishment if discovered. I hope that those who have thought this over yet still wish to help will gather today after the workday is over, at the house of Shiba Kuukaku in District 1 Junrinan of West Rukongai.”
Fourth Division ∙ Corridor in front of Admin Offices
“Mmhmm…Right, like that… Hmm… However… Hmm…”
Kotetsu Isane leaned against the wall as she spoke on the phone. She had a troubled expression on her face as she listened to her sister Kiyone.
After she heard the news about transferring reiatsu, Isane was still a bit confused about how to answer.
She wanted to do everything she could, but breaking the law would complicate matters for her revered Captain Unohana.
And that was something that she just couldn’t ignore.
“Isn’t sister really thankful for what Kurosaki Ichigo did? Isn’t that right?”
“If, if you put it that way then yes…”
“Well that’s settled then~! Thanks for the help~!”
“Wait, wait a second! Kiyone!”
She pressed the phone close to her hear, but didn’t hear any reply from Kiyone.
Isane looked at the screen that said the call had ended, and mumbled to herself, “She, she hung up… What am I going to do…”
Just as she clutched her head in frustration, Isane felt a sudden pat.
“What is it? Isane?”
She looked back in tears at the owner of the hand – Unohana Retsu, who was questioning her with a kind tone of voice.
After they went back into the admin office and after she had heard the entire story, Unohana only said “so it’s like that…” before going silent.
“Like I thought… it’s not okay…”
Isane looked down at her two hands as they twisted together and said, “No matter what the reason might be, we can’t break the laws… just like I thought… I have to go stop Kiyone…”
She waited a while and realized that Unohana hadn’t replied at all.
She lifted her head, unable to stand this silence, and saw that Unohana was looking at some documents as if nothing had happened.
“What is it, Isane?”
“I didn’t hear anything at all.”
Unohana looked outside, truly as if nothing had happened.
“The weather today is so wonderful. It’s really quite rare to get weather like this… perhaps everyone should leave early today to enjoy it. What do you say, Isane?”
As she looked back, her smile was warmer even than today’s sky.
“Captain…. Thank you so much!!”
Isane bowed deeply and said, “Then, I’ll let each station know~!” She then flew out of the office.
At the same time ∙ General Medical Station ∙ Pharmacy
Hanatarou, who was busy looking for today’s medicines, also received Rukia’s text.
After he read it, he gripped his spirit phone tightly. “I have to try harder to finish all this up earlier~!” he mumbled to himself.
The shinigami in the Fourth Division, who specialized in healing and logistics, were weaker in terms of fighting ability than those in the other divisions. Because of this, they were looked down upon by the other divisions, especially the Eleventh Division which specialized in fighting. They were often given extra tasks that had nothing to do with their duties, so working overtime was nothing new to them.
“It’d be great if you finished up earlier, Seventh Seat Hanatarou.”
His fellow Fourth Division member and Eighth Seat Ogido Harunobu had been standing by a nearby shelf and heard him mumbling, so he decided to respond.
“Ah, sorry!! Did I disturb you?”
“How could you? Not at all. I just overheard you so don’t let it bother you.”
Seeing him smile, Hanatarou let out a deep breath.
“However… today… you have a date?”
“Nooooooooo, that’s not it! No, nonononono!!!”
Hanatarou shook his head so hard it seemed like he was concerned it had become a puppet head that couldn’t move.
(It’s so easy to tease Seventh Seat Hanatarou…)
Ogido smiled while secretly thinking up practical jokes. At the same time, the window opened and Third Seat Iemura poked his head in.
“Hanatarou, so you’re here. I’ve been looking for you all day.”
He didn’t bother to come in, and continued speaking through the window.
“Captain Unohana says that everyone can leave work today at 5:00 PM. You can let your Team 14 know.”
“Yes! Yes!! I will let them know right away!!”
Hanatarou might be looked down upon by everyone for his yielding personality, but he was the leader of Team 14 due to the strength of his healing abilities.
“Why the hurry? Is today special or something…”
Iemura held his chin and replied, “No… it’s because ‘the weather is really nice today’ …”
“Weather eh…”
Their heads might be full of question marks, but Hanatarou knew what was going on.
(Captain Unohana… it can’t be because she already knows about that thing with Ichigo-san…)
If that really was the case, then that would explain why they were let out early today.
Even if he had no proof, Hanatarou believed that this was the case.
“Then, I’m going back to my team!”
He bowed towards Iemura and Ogido and started running out of the pharmacy full of enthusiasm and also empty-handed.
“Hanatarou!! You forgot this!!!”
He saw Iemura running after him with a medicine case labeled ‘Team 14” and suddenly kneeled without thinking, lowering his head. Some female shinigami saw this and later said:
“Third Seat Iemura made Seventh Seat Hanatarou kneel for him again.”
“That is so excessive of him.”
“I really hate being on a team with that glasses guy the most.”
In front of the Sixth Division Barracks
When Abarai Renji received the text from Rukia, he was in the middle of talking with Yuki Rikichi about his work diary. As he read it, he couldn’t help but start mumbling to himself.
“What is she doing… that Rukia… doing this sort of stuff in secret…”
“What are you mumbling about? Is that some sort of congratulatory text?”
Renji said, “They’ve found a way to give Kurosaki Ichigo back his powers!” He then handed the phone over with the text still open.
Rikichi at first was laughing as he read it, but his expression gradually became more serious.
“Renji-san, could you forward this text to me?” he asked as he handed the phone back.
“Sure, sure… but… you want to join in too?!”
Rikichi looked away when he was questioned and replied “Yes!”
“Let’s not mention the lieutenants, but ordinary members probably won’t even be given the chance to speak up for themselves before getting their throats cut. Even so, do you still want to join in?”
“Definitely! I’ve already realized that people like me who didn’t participate in either Hueco Mundo or Karakura have all been protected by Kurosaki Ichigo-san. As a member of the Gotei 13, I have to do my best to repay him even a little bit!!”
Faced with an opponent as strong as Aizen, there was nothing that he could’ve done.
“I’m sure there are a lot more people like me. If you send the text out to more people, then I’m sure that a lot of them will come! Even if individually we don’t have much reiatsu, but together we should be able to gather a lot… That’s why… please help us!!”
Seeing Rikichi lower his head, Renji punched a few buttons and forwarded the text to him.
“Take it!”
“Thank you so much Renji-san! I’ll go send it out to everyone right away!!”
After he waved at and said “Oh~! See you later” to Rikichi as he ran off, Renji forwarded the text to his classmates from the Shino Academy Kira and Hinamori.
“It’ll be OK~!” he said, preparing to leave.
However –
“Waaaaaaaaa!!! Captain?!”
Right behind him was Kuchiki Byakuya.
“What are you yelling about?” asked Byakuya, who frowned at him.
“Eh… about that, it’s better if I just show you this.” Renji handed his spirit phone to him, with the text from Rukia still open.
After he finished reading it, Byakuya immediately realized why Rukia had come home late last night, and said “So that was the reason” to himself.
“Captain agrees that I should go, right?”
Faced with this question, Byakuya frowned a little, surprised. Renji stood up straighter, vaguely feeling that Byakuya was about to get angry at him.
“Yes, yes!”
“Did you need to ask that question?”
Renji immediately raised his head when he heard this.
There was no anger in his eyes. His expression was as sedate and calm as usual. – It seemed like he had secretly agreed.
(Of course, go.)
“No no no, of course there’s no need! I’m sorry!” Renji recollected himself and bowed deeply.
“Come back to work.”
“Yes! Captain!!”
He walked back into the admin office with Byakuya, patted himself on the face a few times, and dove back into his work.
[I am Abarai Renji! Forwarding Rukia’s text message to you~! ]
[Message from Yuki Rikichi of the Sixth Division: Forwarding a message from Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division Kuchiki Rukia. Us ordinary division members always use the tactic of regrouping immediately after we’re scattered, so please think about this and decide. I believe that there will be no better opportunity to repay Kurosaki Ichigo-san’s kindness. ]
Tenth Division Barracks ∙ Admin Office
Hitsugaya Toshiro was currently in the middle of review reports from each section on the last few days’ work. Matsumoto Rangiku, who had been lazing away and almost fallen asleep, suddenly yelled “Waaa!!” and jumped off her chair.
“What are you doing!” Hitsugaya looked up, so startled that his shoulders were shaking.
“It scared me since I forgot to turn off the spirit phone’s vibrate function~!” Rangiku laughed while pulling out her spirit phone from her boob crack without any embarrassment at all.
“I say why did you have to stick it in there!!!”
“Because then there’s no way that I’ll lose it.”
“Women shouldn’t do that in front of other people -------“
“Ah~! A text from Kuchiki, how rare~~~~”
Since he was interrupted, Hitsugaya decided to ignore her. At the same time, Rangiku started reading the text.
Hitsugaya frowned and turned his attention back to the documents. This sort of thing happened quite often, so he didn’t continue the argument.
(That child… wants to secretly do something like this.)
After she read the text, Rangiku smiled warmly while staring at the screen.
“Captain, want to look?!”
Hitsugaya looked up from his documents with a surprised expression.
“Why are you showing it to me, wasn’t it sent to you?”
“But the contents are of interest to you. It has to do with Ichigo.”
“Kurosaki? What’s happening with him?”
“Ma, ma, you’ll know if you read it~!” Saying so, Rangiku forwarded the text to Hitsugaya. She added, “I’ll send it to Captain Kyoraku and Nanao too,” and put their names in as well.
Abarai Renji, Matsumoto Rangiku, Madarame Ikkaku, Ayasegawa Yumichika, Yamada Hanatarou.
Other than Hanatarou, the rest of them were all part of the forward team that were sent with Hitsugaya to fight the Arrancar. At that time, they had all exchanged contact details to make communicating with each other easier. And they were aware when they received this text that Hitsugaya had been purposely left out.
After she heard this, Rangiku just said, “Ah, that’s true?” in a very matter-of-fact way.
“What do you mean ‘that’s true?’ Since you know, why did you still…”
“So Captain, will you put yours in too? Your reiatsu.”
Faced with this question, Hitsugaya did not respond.
Rangiku turned her head slightly to the side, silently waiting for his reply.
However, she already knew how her superior would reply, which was why she had forwarded it even though she knew why Rukia had left him out.
Hitsugaya avoided her gaze, frowned, and let out a deep breath.
“Don’t ask questions that already had answers long ago.” Then he picked up a stack of documents at the corner of his desk. “Finish these up already!”
Rangiku replied “Okay~~”, stretched a little, and then sat up straight. “Okay, I’m going to work really hard today~!”
Hitsugaya sighed and replied, “Please do, and keep it up.”
[This is from Kuchiki in the Thirteenth Division. A very important matter that needs everyone’s help! Please send it on.]
Matsumoto Rangiku ♥
Five months after the winter war, everyone in the living world has advanced to the second year. The story starts with Inoue sweeping her brother’s grave, and what she tells her brother about how everyone’s doing. Inoue herself is working at a sweet shop called ABCookies. The reason for this was because she always looked so happy whenever she frequented this shop, to the point where people on the street started asking her where she bought the stuff. Business got better and the store owner decided to hire her.
читать дальшеUryu is substituting for Ichigo as substitute shinigami. Urahara originally wanted him to take over the job, but Uryu believes that Ichigo will not be willing to remain powerless and will definitely gain his powers back, so he’s only substituting for him for the time being.
Also, Uryu became the student council president during the last semester of his first year. This is because the previous president, Keigo’s sister Mizuho thought that he looked like a student council president the first time she saw him, so she came to his apartment and gave the sleeve-thing to him. Although he was unwilling at first, Mizuho was persistent and when she mentioned that the student council president could buy things for half price at the school store, he gave in… This is how he became student council president.
Sado has started to learn boxing. The reason for this is because he critically examined his own abilities after the war, and thought that his foundations weren’t as strong as those who had trained before like Ichigo, Uryu, and the shinigami. That was why he wanted to start again from the beginning.
Tatsuki was the same, her experiences made her instantly raise the amount of training she did. She always trained until very late. When it was time for finals, adding studying to it all made her not get enough sleep and end up with dark circles around her eyes. Inoue tells her not to try so hard, since Tatsuki says that she only got second place at last year’s competition because her right hand was broken. Otherwise she could’ve even beaten up the boys. However, now that Tatsuki’s seen Ichigo and the others fight, she’s discovered that she can’t beat anyone, so she wants to get stronger and not have to experience anything like that again. Even if she doesn’t become strong enough to protect anyone, she won’t be deluded anymore either.
Inoue had been in Soul Society during the one month when Ichigo was in a coma, helping them heal. When she went back to the living world, Unohana gave her a spirit phone, so she is able to talk to everyone in Soul Society. So from then on she kept in touch with them.
However, Ichigo’s been extremely bored ever since. At school he would always stare at places where spirits used to appear, but he couldn’t see anything at all. He’s tried to convince himself that this was the life he’d wanted all along, forcing himself to smile. Inoue was at first very relieved that he lost his powers, since he wouldn’t get hurt anymore, and because she always felt extremely hurt whenever he got hurt. But now faced with an Ichigo like this, she doesn’t know what to do… At this time, Rukia sends a text, and Inoue decides to go ask her for help.
Next up is the excerpt of Rukia getting her hair cut.
Rukia at this time has been a lieutenant for only a couple of days. She takes Inoue to the Thirteenth Division’s training grounds. The two of them sit beneath the cherry blossoms, eating super-expensive food prepared by the Kuchiki family. Inoue says Rukia’s gloves are very pretty, and Rukia says that they’re a gift from Byakuya. He was also the one who recommended that she become a lieutenant. While Rukia’s thinking about how to reply to Inoue’s question of “has anything changed since you became a lieutenant,” Hirako shows up.
Next is Hirako telling about what happened to each of the Vizards. First up is Hirako and Hinamori. A month ago, Hirako went to the Fourth Division to see Hinamori, and they started talking about Aizen. After they talked for a while, a true Captain-Lieutenant pair was born! After she returned to the division, Hinamori worked so hard that Hirako told her that she needed to rest. Her way of doing things reminded Hirako of Aizen when he was a lieutenant. Aizen back then was a reformer and really did make things better for the division members, so he left behind more than just a blackened name.
Hiyori very much dislikes shinigami and isn’t willing to return to Soul Society. She also believes that Hirako is betraying them. Others who stayed with her in the living world are Hachigen who still needs to maintain the barrier and Love who wouldn’t go to a world where he couldn’t read JUMP. Lisa and Mashiro sometimes go to see them.
Kensei became the Ninth Division captain. Mashiro wanted to be his lieutenant again, but when she was given another job – ultra radical scoop editor, responsible for reporting on strange occurrences in both worlds, she instantly agreed. The editor of the Seireitei Communications is still Hisagi. It seems like he’ll have to continue on since Kensei can’t be bothered with it.
Lisa’s started up a bookstore in Kuukaku’s territory selling books from the living world. However, they’re mostly porn, and quite popular among the male shinigami. She’s saved up enough money to build herself a house in Rukongai, called 春画御殿. (I’m not sure how to translate this. I think it’s something like “imperial palace of porn.”)
Next up is Rose and Kira. Rose likes to take walks, and Kira hears his singing about nostalgia and melancholy. Kira invites him into the guest lounge, and Rose takes out a violin that he had hidden in there. Since the lieutenant back when he was a captain did not allow him to perform, Rose had changes done to the room so he could hide his violin there.
When Gin was captain, he only planted a single persimmon tree. When it was time to make dried persimmons, he would hand over all the division duties to Kira, and lecture about his methods to stray shinigami walking by. Rose says that they should continue to make dried persimmons this year, which makes Kira feel very moved. The only proof that Gin ever existed was this one persimmon tree. Even if Kira suffered a lot because of Gin’s betrayal, he still didn’t want to break off that relationship.
When Kira arrived back from the storage area with a ladder, he finds Rose surrounded by a ton of people, all of whom are willing to help and are thankful that there’s still an opportunity to make dried persimmons. Because they’re still able to do things that they’re accustomed to, the division gets livelier every day.
Rose continued to perform on his instrument. Even if it’s noisy, it still helps the Third Division develop again along a better path.
After he relates all this info, Hirako has to leave because he’s received a text from Hinamori. Rukia asks Inoue what she wanted to talk about.
“Kurosaki-kun… has been troubled all this time.”
Without his powers, he’s been lost and confused.
He says that this is the life that he’s always wanted with such a lonely smile.
“I want to do something for Kurosaki-kun, but there’s nothing I can do…”
Inoue’s tried to use her powers to bring Ichigo’s shinigami powers back, but she couldn’t do it. Thinking back to his lonely smile, Inoue feels so hurt that she starts to cry. Rukia pats her on the back and says:
“…Ichigo has always fought in order to protect something. This is the foundation behind all of his actions. Now faced with the ordinary struggles of people without any power, he shouldn’t ever lose. So he should still be able to protect many people.”
It was true that he was still able to protect a lot of people after he lost his powers. He even received a certificate of thanks from the police.
“However, he already knows. There are still things that he can’t protect with only an ordinary human’s abilities…”
“To Ichigo, whose determination to protect something is so much stronger than other people’s, this must be pain that extremely hard to bear…”
She wanted to do something.
She wanted to do something immediately, no matter what it took.
She made the determination to bring Ichigo’s powers back, and told Inoue to just leave it to her.
After she saw Orihime off, Rukia went back to her barracks to take care of some business. When it was completely dark, she went to go visit Karakura Town. She stood on top of an abandoned building, looking down at the rows of houses.
It felt so nostalgic.
“Even though I’ve only left this place for a few months… this town, contains so many unforgettable memories…”
Perhaps because she had so many memories of this place, it felt like she had lived here for so many years.
Sitting on Ichigo’s back when he became a shinigami, patrolling the town at night to perform konso, when did these things happen…
It felt like it was so long ago.
The teenager, who had received the power to protect after he had met her, did his duty happily yet also grumbling at the same time.
“Wait for me, Ichigo…!”
I will definitely let you regain your powers.
With determination in her heart, Rukia leapt into the pitch-black night sky.
Flying past one house after another, she finally arrived at Urahara’s shop. When she saw that the outer door was still open, she turned her head sideways.
(Closing time should’ve been a long time ago…)
As if attracted by the light streaming out of the door, she walked closer and heard a familiar voice shout angrily from within.
She looked through the glass window and saw a familiar figure yelling inside the shop.
A red jumpsuit and two golden pigtails by either ear – it was Sarugaki Hiyori.
Since the paper door that separated the store with the living quarters was open, she could see the store’s owner Urahara Kisuke sitting on a tatami mat inside the living quarters.
(What are they doing…?)
While silently asking this to herself, Rukia said “Excuse me,” and opened the inner door.
At the same time, Hiyori’s angry shouts filled the store.
“I said I wouldn’t do it! How many times do I have to repeat myself!? Are your ears blocked!!”
“Now~ Now~ Hiyori-san…”
“I’m leaving!”
Hiyori turned around while Urahara shrugged, and saw Rukia still frozen in a state in between opening the door and standing outside. She mumbled “You are…”
Meeting her gaze, Rukia nodded at her. “He- Hello…”
“Kisuke! You have a guest!”
Hiyori turned around and shouted towards the living quarters.
“A guest…?”
Urahara stood up while mumbling. When he saw Rukia standing behind Hiyori, his eyes turned very round.
“Isn’t this Kuchiki-san! It’s been a while!”
He hurriedly put on his clogs and walked into the store.
“I heard from Yoruichi-san! You recently became a lieutenant? Congratulations!”
“Ah, thank… Uhwa!?”
Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, Hiyori grabbed her by the collar and jerked her right under her eye. Their faces were so close that their foreheads were almost touching.
“Hey! Thirteenth Division! Do you know Hirako Shinji?”
“Ah, yes…”
Under this sort of close-up interrogation, Rukia’s eyes were starting to water.
“Listen up, if you see that baldy Shinji, you need to tell him “This is from me!” and then give him a good kick on his bald head!! Understand!?”
“Eh… I, I will help you… relate that as such…”
“I’ll leave it to you!!”
After she said this, Hiyori let Rukia go and pulled down the zipper in front of her jumpsuit. Under both people’s gazes, she grabbed fistfuls of the pastries on the shelf and started stuffing them inside her jumpsuit.
“Ahhh, Hiyori-san! You can’t just take the products like that! …At least wait until I’m not here to take them!”
Hiyori completely ignored him and continued to stuff pastries inside her clothes. Her slim figure instantly bloated up to one similar to a snowman’s.
She only stopped when her clothes were completely stuffed full and turned around to stare at Urahara.
“This is all because I had to come to this store full of annoying baldies to listen to stuff I didn’t want to listen to. It’s completely natural to take some stuff as restitution!!” Hiyori wasn’t at all sorry but instead pushed open the glass window and left. Some candy spheres leaked out of her clothes as she left.
Urahara grimaced and picked up the candy spheres, before silently closing the window.
“What was wrong with Sarugaki-dono…? It seems like she was very angry…”
“Eeyaa~ That’s because the store’s become quite busy as of late, so I asked Hiyori-san if she could come work here…”
Looking at the bright red hand mark on Urahara’s face, she guessed that negotations fell through.
“You’re so busy that you don’t have enough help?”
That was quite surprising, Rukia thought.
In this store, other than Urahara, there was also Tsukabishi Tessai, Hanakari Jinta, and Tsumugiya Ururu who worked as his employees. At a pastry shop in a suburb that didn’t even have many major roads, she didn’t think there would be a need for more workers than the ones he already have. Even if he was selling to shinigami, he still shouldn’t have all that many customers.
“Aiya~ It’s true that we’re really busy… Before when we were only smuggling some stock and then secretly selling it, I could even do it alone… But after that big battle, it seems like we’ve been officially recognized by Soul Society.”
Because of that incident, Urahara Kisuke’s name became widely known among the regular shinigami. The ones who were deployed to the living world all came to shop there.
“So it’s like that! Then they won’t go after your crimes anymore…”
“That’s right. It seems like the Captain Commander went and talked with the Central Forty-Six. All the judgments against Tessai-san, Yoruichi-san, and me from a hundred years ago have been invalidated. Everything was part of Aizen’s plan, I was blameless… like that.”
The Central Forty-Six was comprised of forty people known for their wisdom and six judges. It was Soul Society’s highest ruling body. If trust in the Central Forty-Six disappeared, then order would very quickly disappear in Soul Society. That was why it was hard to believe that any of their rulings would be invalidated.
Since all of the longtime members had been killed by Aizen, the Captain Commander of the Gotei 13 Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni had taken on their duties while new members were being chosen. His record during that time had been praised by everyone, and when the new Central Forty-Six had started up, his words still carried with them a certain weight. That was why previous decisions were able to be taken up again.
“It’s been so long…”
Urahara looked down.
-------- One hundred years.
He had continued to single-mindedly pursue his research.
In the end, he still couldn’t undue Shinji and the others’ hollowfication. Just using the tactic of going to one’s inner world and defeating the inner hollow, they had already used all their strength to stop it from progressing.
“Hirako-san and the others have gotten their captain positions back… How wonderful.”
He murmured to himself as he opened his eyes again, only to see Rukia staring directly at him.
“What is it?” Urahara turned his head sideways as he asked.
“…Thank you so much.” Saying so, Rukia lowered her head.
She was thanking him both as the Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division, and also from the bottom of her heart. If it wasn’t for his help and the advanced technology under his command, it wouldn’t have been possible to capture Aizen.
Urahara winced and laughed, “Please stop already!” He seemed very much embarrassed as he scratched his face.
“Even though I didn’t come to the living world willingly… but I’m very much satisfied with my current life.”
Rukia nodded and said, “Is that so,” with a peaceful expression. She then smiled as well.
“Well then… did you need something important today? Ah, let’s not stand here talking. Please come in.”
They walked together into the living quarters and sat facing each other across a low table.
“Today, Inoue came to Soul Society…”
Rukia related what Orihime had said about Ichigo to him.
After he had heard everything, Urahara murmured “So it’s like that…” with a knowing look.
“I want to figure out a way to bring his powers back…! It can’t be that there is no way? If there’s anything that I can do then I will definitely not decline! That’s why…!”
Seeing the pleading look in her gaze, Urahara sighed and said, “You’re late one step…”
“…What does that mean?”
Rukia looked extremely confused.
“To tell the truth, I’ve already started researching this… From the moment when Kurosaki-san lost his powers.”
“Urahara…!” Her eyes were completely round by now.
Urahara continued. “The root reason why Kurosaki-san lost his powers is because I made the hogyoku… From the time when he had no choice but to use “Mugetsu,” I had started to think about a way to bring back his powers.”
He could still remember the look in his eyes the very second when he lost his powers.
It was like that of a lonely child who had lost his support.
“I originally wanted to report when my research had come to fruition, so I could properly scare everyone— Ah, I’ve let it all slip—“ Urahara sighed loudly on purpose.
“Don’t look at me with a grudge,” Rukia laughed.
“…Please give me some more time. I will definitely complete it for you.”
Faced with his honest words, Rukia nodded forcefully again.
A year went by before she was contacted by Urahara again.
When she received his message, she hurried to his shop. Under Tessai’s guidance, they walked through various white structures in a corner of the underground chamber.
Quite a few unidentified machines were placed closely together here, and the floor was covered with innumerable cords and lines. This was Urahara’s research lab.
“Owner! Kuchiki-dono has arrived!” Tessai called in to the depths of the lab.
“Okay, okay! Please come in!”
Urahara’s voice came from somewhere nearby. But with all the static and noise being emitted by the machines, she couldn’t tell exactly where his voice was coming from.
“I’ll take you there. This way, please, and watch your step.”
“Ah, thank you,” Rukia nodded and murmured quietly. She walked carefully behind him.
Even so, she still almost tripped and fell. Luckily Tessai noticed immediately and said, “Danger!”
Since he grabbed her by her uniform collar, she didn’t fall, but instead dangled in mid-air.
“Is it okay if we continue on like this?” she was asked.
“No, please let me down as soon as possible!” she protested, blushing, before she was set down again.
After that, she carefully watched where she stepped and managed to find Urahara without further incident.
“Welcome, Kuchiki-san! There seemed to be a bit of a disturbance… what was the matter?” asked Urahara who had been watching a giant monitor.
“What disturbance! There was no disturbance, just these power cords on the floor!”
“That’s not it, it’s impossible. Ururu-chan and Jinta manage to trip and fall beautifully each time. Even though I didn’t think they would… I put the cords there just so they could arrive without incident. But let’s get back to the main topic…”
“Exactly! Let’s get back to the main topic!” Rukia felt responsible for allowing their conversation to stray.
Urahara shrugged slightly and said, “Okay, sorry. Well then Tessai, if you would please.”
“I understand!”
After receiving Urahara’s instructions, Tessai pushed a cart in the corner towards Rukia.
On the cart was a transparent cylinder measuring 65 centimeters across, and roughly 120 centimeters in height.
“This is…”
Inside the cylinder was a glowing sword. It swayed slightly and didn’t have a distinct shape, giving off a warm yellowish-white light.
“This is the sword that will transfer spiritual power to Kurosaki-san.”
“Transfer spiritual power… you mean the transfer of shinigami powers… Is that to say that this is a zanpakutou?”
Ordinarily, transferring shinigami powers required stabbing another with one’s own zanpakutou, transferring spiritual power, allowing the other to turn into a shinigami.
“It’s quite similar, but this is not a zanpakutou. However, it follows the same process of power transfer. Thanks to Isshin-san, I was able to use Engetsu as a base to make it.”
Ichigo’s zanpakutou Zangetsu was very similar in nature to his father Kurosaki Isshin’s zanpakutou Engetsu.
Restoring his shinigami powers --- along with his bond with his zanpakutou and the transferral of powers, Isshin’s help was absolutely necessary.
“I finally completed researching the process to make this sword a week ago. And when I asked Isshin-san for help, he said he wanted to think about it…”
Restoring his powers meant that Ichigo would return to the battlefield.
As a father, Isshin’s concern was completely natural.
“…Yesterday, Ishida-san was attacked by someone.”
The sudden news gave Rukia a great fright.
“What…!? Who was it!? How are his injuries!?” she asked, trembling.
“It’s not clear who did it. Ishida-san is currently in the hospital, and it seems like his life is not in danger.”
Rukia calmed down a little. “So it’s like that…” She let out a deep breath.
“Because Ishida-san was attacked, Kurosaki-san realized again how powerless he was… Last night Isshin-san came and said that he would help, probably because he didn’t want to see Kurosaki-san like that anymore…”
Isshin was once unable to save his beloved wife Kurosaki Masaki from a hollow.
He knew better than anyone the pain that results from not being able to protect someone.
“I know that we can use this sword to transfer shinigami powers… But isn’t the strength of the powers after the transfer proportional to the amount of power put in? If Ichigo wants to have the same strength that he had before, then this will require a great deal of reiatsu…”
“That’s right, I know. That’s why we need everyone to give their reiatsu to this sword.”
Hearing this, Rukia’s eyes became very round.
“Everyone needs to give their reiatsu…”
“That is correct.” Urahara sat up straight. “This will be a very difficult process…”
One’s reiatsu was similar to a fingerprint. No two people have exactly the same reiatsu. In Soul Society, one of the reasons why transferring shinigami powers was a grave crime was because giving someone else your reiatsu was similar to giving them your own identification.
Mixing different kinds of reiatsu together was a very difficult matter. The technology that would allow two or more kinds of reiatsu to exist in one object still did not exist in Soul Society.
“Everyone in the living world has already given their reiatsu to this sword. Hiyori-san, Aikawa-san, Hachigen-san… And both Tessai-san and me as well.”
“Everyone came to help…”
“Yes. After I contacted them, they came immediately.”
Hachigen pressed both hands together in front of his chest and said, “I can finally repay Kurosaki-san’s kindness…”
Love smiled and said, “As a man, I have to repay this favor!”
Hiyori bared her fang and mumbled, “Ichigo was the one who defeated Aizen in the end… This is as thanks.”
The three of them gathered and put in their reiatsu in order.
“Are we going to the convenience store.”
“It’s so annoying how you stand there and read forever!”
“I want to go to the pharmacy on the way,” they said as they left.
It seemed like they were all very happy in each other’s company.
“Then, I’ll do it too…” But as her hand was about to touch the sword, Urahara stopped her.
“Please wait! I want to let Kuchiki-san be the last person to add her reiatsu.”
“The last…?”
“That’s right. The reiatsu added to this sword will not mix together, but rather will layer on top of each other like rings in a tree.”
Urahara closed his fan and used it as an example in his explanation.
“Kuchiki-san will be the outermost circle… That is to say, yours will be the very first reiatsu to go into Kurosaki-san’s body. With Kuchiki-san’s reiatsu as the sword’s outer covering, everyone else’s reiatsu will mix better… This is because Kurosaki-san has had Kuchiki-san’s reiatsu in him before.”
“…So it’s like that. Then I will be the last person to add it.”
Seeing her nod, Urahara removed his hat and placed it against his chest.
“I’ll be relying on you,” he said as he bowed slowly.
“I will also be relying on you.” Rukia returned the bow.
“Well then, I will start the preparations to bring this sword to Soul Society. Before tomorrow comes to a close, I will bring it to Kuukaku-san’s place in West Rukongai. Can Kuchiki-san help me notify everyone?”
“Yes, leave it to me!”
“Sending so many hell butterflies will be too noticeable. When you contact everyone, please do it either in person or through a text. The Research and Development Institute shouldn’t give you any trouble about the texts. I’ll take care of that.”
The Research and Development Institute commonly kept a watch on communications in Soul Society. No matter what channel it went through, be it hell butterflies, spirit phones, or even Tenteikura, all illicit communications were reported and investigated. If investigations found that laws were broken, then it would be reported up to the Chief of the Research and Development Institute – Kurotsuchi Mayuri. And then according to Mayuri’s judgment, he would send the information to either Yamamoto or the Onmitsukido for the individual to receive appropriate punishment.
Urahara used his own computers to hack into the Research and Development Institute’s surveillance mechanisms. For all of tomorrow, he made it so that it would not interfere even if it discovered the texts asking about transfer of shinigami powers.
Since he had been the one who invented the mechanism over a hundred years ago, he knew his way around it.
“Your work is progressing so quickly!”
“Since Ishida-san has been attacked, this is now a pressing matter.”
“…That’s right. Goodbye then, see you tomorrow.” Rukia looked nervous as she started to leave.
“Ah, see you tomorrow. Also, watch your step…”
Before Urahara had a chance to finish, Rukia managed to get trapped by a bundle of cords and fell flat on her face.
“…Are you okay?” Urahara asked.
Tessai walked up to Rukia, who was trembling in pain and embarrassment. “Clearly I need to help you out of here!”
He picked her up by her collar and started to carry her outside.
“Aiya stop it! I can walk by myself! Hey! Can’t you hear me!? I said stop already!? Put me down!! Bastard, why won’t you put me down!? I’m asking you…! I’m asking you to put me down—!!”
Rukia’s cries of despair slowly receded into the distance.
Urahara watched them leave, while also figuring out how he would handle the communications this time.
Thirteenth Division Offices
The next morning, Rukia arrived at her office even earlier than usual. She held her spirit phone with a serious expression and started to think of what to say to those whose help she sought.
Just as she was deep in thought, the time crept closer to the start of the workday. The Third Seat of her division, Kotetsu Kiyone called out “Good morning~!” as she entered the office.
“Good morning, Kotetsu-dono.”
Rukia hurriedly stood up from her seat and bowed.
“You don’t need to stand up. I mean, you’ve already been Lieutenant for a year, and if the Third Seat comes in then all you need to do is reply, okay~! If you understand then don’t stand there anymore, sit down sit down sit down!!”
“Yes, yes! I’m very sorry!”
Kiyone watched as Rukia leaned back against her chair again, and laughed. “And still apologizing~” She then sat down as well.
Ordinarily there would only be two desks in this office, for the captain and the lieutenant. However since Captain Ukitake was not well and could not come work very often, the Thirteenth Division had two desks for his support officers.
Ring – ring – ring!
The bell indicating the start of the workday started to ring across Seireitei.
“I’m going to be laaaaaaaaate—!!!”
Right when the bell stopped ringing, the other Third Seat Kotsubaki Sentaro slid into the office.
“I was almost out! Hey, what are you doing Lieutenant? Why are you still standing?”
Rukia had stood up to say “good morning” to Sentaro, but she remembered what Kiyone had said and sat back down, embarrassed.
“Lieutenant, I wasn’t late, was I?!” Sentaro asked, slapping both his hands down on Rukia’s desk.
“Baka! Of course you were late! Tell him, Lieutenant!!”
Kiyone left her seat and came over. The two of them slapped wildly at each other, while both staring at Rukia.
“First, first let’s all calm down…”
Rukia held out both her hands, trying to calm them down.
However, her right hand was still holding the spirit phone and the two of them were able to vaguely see what she had already written.
“ ‘In order to allow Ichigo, who has lost his powers…’ “
“ ‘Regain his shinigami powers once again…’ Hey, is this real Kuchiki, err I mean Lieutenant?!!”
“What are you up to?!”
Pressed by their questions, Rukia hesitated for a few seconds before seemingly reaching a determination.
“Urahara Kisuke has invented a sword that will allow Ichigo to regain his powers. As long as everyone puts their reiatsu into it, then we can give Ichigo back his shinigami powers. But this is an illegal transfer…”
“Put mine in as well!!”
“Put mine in as well!!”
Both Kiyone and Sentaro spoke up at exactly the same time.
“Why are you copying me, you big beard!!!”
“You’re copying me, you monkey woman!!!”
“What did you say?!!!”
“Want to fight?!”
Watching the two of them pressed against and staring at each other, Rukia bowed deeply.
“Thank you… very much…”
When she raised her head again, she smiled. “But first stop fighting.”
“You don’t need to thank us. Before I always thought that Kuchiki always followed her heart, and I admired that. That’s why, now that I’ve come across a difficult decision, I’m also going to follow my heart! I’ve decided!” Kiyone laughed, embarrassed.
“Even though I don’t want to agree with this monkey woman, but that’s how I feel too, Kuchiki! You should allow your senpais to do something admirable now and then!!”
Sentaro poked her forehead with his forefinger.
“Aaaaaaa this is sexual harassment!! How dare you do that to the lieutenant, you smelly vile bearded short man with bad breath!!!!”
“You said that I smelled twice, you bastard!! What if I really started to smell!!!”
“But you do smell.”
Looking at the two of them arguing, Rukia laughed softly.
Ever since she became a lieutenant one year ago, the two people who never left her side and never stopped supporting her were Kiyone and Sentaro.
Even if some people said that she “only became a lieutenant due to the Kuchiki family’s influence,” they would immediately get attacked by Kiyone and Sentaro until they took back their words.
The two of them always dragged her out of the office when she shut herself inside. They would then bring along the ordinary division members on trips to the sweet shop. Sometimes they all went gardening and ended up covered in dirt and mud. Other times they went visiting at other divisions.
Afterwards, the division members who weren’t familiar with Rukia soon started becoming friendly.
“Good morning, Lieutenant!”
“I made a lot more of that chestnut-flavored red bean sticky soup that Lieutenant had last time!”
“Listen to me, Lieutenant! Third Seat Kotetsu went too far!”
“Ah, Lieutenant! I picked a lot since there were so many of them, so if you’d like then please put these flowers in the office.”
“Are you leaving? You’ve worked hard Lieutenant~!”
Everyone slowly started talking her now and then.
“Then who are you sending it to?”
Kiyone asked her after she had finished writing the message.
“Hm… First I’ll send it to the people whose addresses I know. The Fourth Division’s Yamada Hanatarou is with Captain Hitsugaya’s team… (T/N: I didn’t understand this part.) But I think it’s best to send it to people other than Captain Hitsugaya…”
“Yeah~! Of course the captains can’t break the laws!” Sentaro yelled.
“OK~! Then we’ll need to keep Captain Ukitake in the dark~~ I’ll go talk to my sister first.”
Before Rukia even had a chance to say “I’m relying on you then,” Kiyone picked up her own spirit phone and ran outside.
“Yosh~!! Then we’ll need to take care of today’s business as quickly as possible!!”
Sentaro rolled up his sleeves and started to separate out the day’s important paperwork onto the three desks.
“Umm… Kotsubaki-kun… No matter how you look at it, my stack is a bit thin…”
The stack on Rukia’s desk was only half as high as those on the other two.
“You need to arrive at Kuukaku-san’s before the two of us to start a discussion with everyone!! So this much is enough!!” Sentaro sat down, his face a bit red.
“Thank you very much!” Rukia placed both hands on her desk and nodded.
Sentaro grimaced and laughed. “No need to thank me! You need to buck up! You’re our superior officer after all~! Send that message out already~!!”
With his encouragement, Rukia hit the send button with a prayer in her heart.
“Please forgive this sudden disturbance. I am Kuchiki Rukia of the Thirteenth Division. I have heard lately that Urahara Kisuke has completed a method that will allow Substitute Shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo to regain his shinigami powers. It requires many different shinigami to give their reiatsu to a special sword, which will be transferred to him via stabbing, allowing him to turn into a shinigami again. This is an illegal transfer of shinigami powers, against the laws of Soul Society, and will result in severe punishment if discovered. I hope that those who have thought this over yet still wish to help will gather today after the workday is over, at the house of Shiba Kuukaku in District 1 Junrinan of West Rukongai.”
Fourth Division ∙ Corridor in front of Admin Offices
“Mmhmm…Right, like that… Hmm… However… Hmm…”
Kotetsu Isane leaned against the wall as she spoke on the phone. She had a troubled expression on her face as she listened to her sister Kiyone.
After she heard the news about transferring reiatsu, Isane was still a bit confused about how to answer.
She wanted to do everything she could, but breaking the law would complicate matters for her revered Captain Unohana.
And that was something that she just couldn’t ignore.
“Isn’t sister really thankful for what Kurosaki Ichigo did? Isn’t that right?”
“If, if you put it that way then yes…”
“Well that’s settled then~! Thanks for the help~!”
“Wait, wait a second! Kiyone!”
She pressed the phone close to her hear, but didn’t hear any reply from Kiyone.
Isane looked at the screen that said the call had ended, and mumbled to herself, “She, she hung up… What am I going to do…”
Just as she clutched her head in frustration, Isane felt a sudden pat.
“What is it? Isane?”
She looked back in tears at the owner of the hand – Unohana Retsu, who was questioning her with a kind tone of voice.
After they went back into the admin office and after she had heard the entire story, Unohana only said “so it’s like that…” before going silent.
“Like I thought… it’s not okay…”
Isane looked down at her two hands as they twisted together and said, “No matter what the reason might be, we can’t break the laws… just like I thought… I have to go stop Kiyone…”
She waited a while and realized that Unohana hadn’t replied at all.
She lifted her head, unable to stand this silence, and saw that Unohana was looking at some documents as if nothing had happened.
“What is it, Isane?”
“I didn’t hear anything at all.”
Unohana looked outside, truly as if nothing had happened.
“The weather today is so wonderful. It’s really quite rare to get weather like this… perhaps everyone should leave early today to enjoy it. What do you say, Isane?”
As she looked back, her smile was warmer even than today’s sky.
“Captain…. Thank you so much!!”
Isane bowed deeply and said, “Then, I’ll let each station know~!” She then flew out of the office.
At the same time ∙ General Medical Station ∙ Pharmacy
Hanatarou, who was busy looking for today’s medicines, also received Rukia’s text.
After he read it, he gripped his spirit phone tightly. “I have to try harder to finish all this up earlier~!” he mumbled to himself.
The shinigami in the Fourth Division, who specialized in healing and logistics, were weaker in terms of fighting ability than those in the other divisions. Because of this, they were looked down upon by the other divisions, especially the Eleventh Division which specialized in fighting. They were often given extra tasks that had nothing to do with their duties, so working overtime was nothing new to them.
“It’d be great if you finished up earlier, Seventh Seat Hanatarou.”
His fellow Fourth Division member and Eighth Seat Ogido Harunobu had been standing by a nearby shelf and heard him mumbling, so he decided to respond.
“Ah, sorry!! Did I disturb you?”
“How could you? Not at all. I just overheard you so don’t let it bother you.”
Seeing him smile, Hanatarou let out a deep breath.
“However… today… you have a date?”
“Nooooooooo, that’s not it! No, nonononono!!!”
Hanatarou shook his head so hard it seemed like he was concerned it had become a puppet head that couldn’t move.
(It’s so easy to tease Seventh Seat Hanatarou…)
Ogido smiled while secretly thinking up practical jokes. At the same time, the window opened and Third Seat Iemura poked his head in.
“Hanatarou, so you’re here. I’ve been looking for you all day.”
He didn’t bother to come in, and continued speaking through the window.
“Captain Unohana says that everyone can leave work today at 5:00 PM. You can let your Team 14 know.”
“Yes! Yes!! I will let them know right away!!”
Hanatarou might be looked down upon by everyone for his yielding personality, but he was the leader of Team 14 due to the strength of his healing abilities.
“Why the hurry? Is today special or something…”
Iemura held his chin and replied, “No… it’s because ‘the weather is really nice today’ …”
“Weather eh…”
Their heads might be full of question marks, but Hanatarou knew what was going on.
(Captain Unohana… it can’t be because she already knows about that thing with Ichigo-san…)
If that really was the case, then that would explain why they were let out early today.
Even if he had no proof, Hanatarou believed that this was the case.
“Then, I’m going back to my team!”
He bowed towards Iemura and Ogido and started running out of the pharmacy full of enthusiasm and also empty-handed.
“Hanatarou!! You forgot this!!!”
He saw Iemura running after him with a medicine case labeled ‘Team 14” and suddenly kneeled without thinking, lowering his head. Some female shinigami saw this and later said:
“Third Seat Iemura made Seventh Seat Hanatarou kneel for him again.”
“That is so excessive of him.”
“I really hate being on a team with that glasses guy the most.”
In front of the Sixth Division Barracks
When Abarai Renji received the text from Rukia, he was in the middle of talking with Yuki Rikichi about his work diary. As he read it, he couldn’t help but start mumbling to himself.
“What is she doing… that Rukia… doing this sort of stuff in secret…”
“What are you mumbling about? Is that some sort of congratulatory text?”
Renji said, “They’ve found a way to give Kurosaki Ichigo back his powers!” He then handed the phone over with the text still open.
Rikichi at first was laughing as he read it, but his expression gradually became more serious.
“Renji-san, could you forward this text to me?” he asked as he handed the phone back.
“Sure, sure… but… you want to join in too?!”
Rikichi looked away when he was questioned and replied “Yes!”
“Let’s not mention the lieutenants, but ordinary members probably won’t even be given the chance to speak up for themselves before getting their throats cut. Even so, do you still want to join in?”
“Definitely! I’ve already realized that people like me who didn’t participate in either Hueco Mundo or Karakura have all been protected by Kurosaki Ichigo-san. As a member of the Gotei 13, I have to do my best to repay him even a little bit!!”
Faced with an opponent as strong as Aizen, there was nothing that he could’ve done.
“I’m sure there are a lot more people like me. If you send the text out to more people, then I’m sure that a lot of them will come! Even if individually we don’t have much reiatsu, but together we should be able to gather a lot… That’s why… please help us!!”
Seeing Rikichi lower his head, Renji punched a few buttons and forwarded the text to him.
“Take it!”
“Thank you so much Renji-san! I’ll go send it out to everyone right away!!”
After he waved at and said “Oh~! See you later” to Rikichi as he ran off, Renji forwarded the text to his classmates from the Shino Academy Kira and Hinamori.
“It’ll be OK~!” he said, preparing to leave.
However –
“Waaaaaaaaa!!! Captain?!”
Right behind him was Kuchiki Byakuya.
“What are you yelling about?” asked Byakuya, who frowned at him.
“Eh… about that, it’s better if I just show you this.” Renji handed his spirit phone to him, with the text from Rukia still open.
After he finished reading it, Byakuya immediately realized why Rukia had come home late last night, and said “So that was the reason” to himself.
“Captain agrees that I should go, right?”
Faced with this question, Byakuya frowned a little, surprised. Renji stood up straighter, vaguely feeling that Byakuya was about to get angry at him.
“Yes, yes!”
“Did you need to ask that question?”
Renji immediately raised his head when he heard this.
There was no anger in his eyes. His expression was as sedate and calm as usual. – It seemed like he had secretly agreed.
(Of course, go.)
“No no no, of course there’s no need! I’m sorry!” Renji recollected himself and bowed deeply.
“Come back to work.”
“Yes! Captain!!”
He walked back into the admin office with Byakuya, patted himself on the face a few times, and dove back into his work.
[I am Abarai Renji! Forwarding Rukia’s text message to you~! ]
[Message from Yuki Rikichi of the Sixth Division: Forwarding a message from Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division Kuchiki Rukia. Us ordinary division members always use the tactic of regrouping immediately after we’re scattered, so please think about this and decide. I believe that there will be no better opportunity to repay Kurosaki Ichigo-san’s kindness. ]
Tenth Division Barracks ∙ Admin Office
Hitsugaya Toshiro was currently in the middle of review reports from each section on the last few days’ work. Matsumoto Rangiku, who had been lazing away and almost fallen asleep, suddenly yelled “Waaa!!” and jumped off her chair.
“What are you doing!” Hitsugaya looked up, so startled that his shoulders were shaking.
“It scared me since I forgot to turn off the spirit phone’s vibrate function~!” Rangiku laughed while pulling out her spirit phone from her boob crack without any embarrassment at all.
“I say why did you have to stick it in there!!!”
“Because then there’s no way that I’ll lose it.”
“Women shouldn’t do that in front of other people -------“
“Ah~! A text from Kuchiki, how rare~~~~”
Since he was interrupted, Hitsugaya decided to ignore her. At the same time, Rangiku started reading the text.
Hitsugaya frowned and turned his attention back to the documents. This sort of thing happened quite often, so he didn’t continue the argument.
(That child… wants to secretly do something like this.)
After she read the text, Rangiku smiled warmly while staring at the screen.
“Captain, want to look?!”
Hitsugaya looked up from his documents with a surprised expression.
“Why are you showing it to me, wasn’t it sent to you?”
“But the contents are of interest to you. It has to do with Ichigo.”
“Kurosaki? What’s happening with him?”
“Ma, ma, you’ll know if you read it~!” Saying so, Rangiku forwarded the text to Hitsugaya. She added, “I’ll send it to Captain Kyoraku and Nanao too,” and put their names in as well.
Abarai Renji, Matsumoto Rangiku, Madarame Ikkaku, Ayasegawa Yumichika, Yamada Hanatarou.
Other than Hanatarou, the rest of them were all part of the forward team that were sent with Hitsugaya to fight the Arrancar. At that time, they had all exchanged contact details to make communicating with each other easier. And they were aware when they received this text that Hitsugaya had been purposely left out.
After she heard this, Rangiku just said, “Ah, that’s true?” in a very matter-of-fact way.
“What do you mean ‘that’s true?’ Since you know, why did you still…”
“So Captain, will you put yours in too? Your reiatsu.”
Faced with this question, Hitsugaya did not respond.
Rangiku turned her head slightly to the side, silently waiting for his reply.
However, she already knew how her superior would reply, which was why she had forwarded it even though she knew why Rukia had left him out.
Hitsugaya avoided her gaze, frowned, and let out a deep breath.
“Don’t ask questions that already had answers long ago.” Then he picked up a stack of documents at the corner of his desk. “Finish these up already!”
Rangiku replied “Okay~~”, stretched a little, and then sat up straight. “Okay, I’m going to work really hard today~!”
Hitsugaya sighed and replied, “Please do, and keep it up.”
[This is from Kuchiki in the Thirteenth Division. A very important matter that needs everyone’s help! Please send it on.]
Matsumoto Rangiku ♥